Thursday, September 20, 2012

Missing the first day of school.

I love the first day of school. It usually starts with me going to Office Depot or Walmart. Here I pretend I need new school supplies even though I could probably find whatever I need in our Desk Room. Next my mom drives me up to Rexburg and all my nerves disappear when I first see the temple. That night I talk with the roommates and learn all about them. The next day I get my textbooks. I love this part. Maybe it hurts a little when I hand my card over, but then I start looking at my books and realize there are so many cool things I'm going to learn.

Time for school now. First I take my first-day-of-school picture even though I'm 21. I leave my apartment way early so I don't show up to class sweaty. I love the walk on campus. Everyone has white shoes and new  backpacks. I know where the building is, but I may walk around the halls a few times pretending I know where I'm going before I find the right class. Then I get in the class and have to strategically place my self. "He's cute. Wait is that a ring?...Abort mission! Maybe I'll sit here and then a cute boy will come sit next to me. Uh-oh. That girl is moving towards me. She's looking at the seat next to me. Oh great..." The Teacher walks in and I usually like them instantly. Then we read the syllabus. Out loud. I hate this. This is followed by student introductions. I've done this so many times and I'm still trying to think of something "interesting" about myself. "My name is Becky and....and..." As the day goes on and I hear about all these projects I get excited. Then overwhelmed. Then excited again.

All of a sudden it's the first devotional. President and Sister Clark speak and it's amazing. Then it's the first Sunday in the new ward. I spend a RIDICULOUS amount of time getting ready, but so does every other girl in the ward. Church is full of spying, staring, and a whole lot of not-paying-attention. My roommates and I will plan our workout schedule. I'll find a time in my schedule to go to the temple every week. Then I'll go hang out in the library quiet room.

Okay so maybe I miss school. I know that makes me a huge nerd, but everyone is going back to school and I feel left out. Once the Facebook statuses roll in about "so much homework" and "7 finals down 2 to go" then I'll feel better about graduating. Until then, here are some graduation pics:
I lived with these girls for 3 years. So many memories created with them.
 Cool sight, huh? 
Ah the Smith building. I lived here for 4 years. 
With the oh so supportive mother who drove me up to Rexburg 9 times over the last 4 years. This was our last trip.
 Troy Bolton would be proud. 
This was our last stop before we left. Guess if I was tearful?

Graduation really was great.  It was full of so many emotions and let's be honest - a lot of tears. I cried when I saw the temple on our drive up. I ALMOST cried when I was walking to the ceremony and walked by all my teachers clapping for me. I cried when I was taking my last pictures in Rexburg and I didn't stop crying until Idaho Falls. My poor mom. I was such a mess. I thought it was over but then I got my diploma in the mail last month. And I cried again. It's in my closet hiding now because I don't like staring at a piece of paper and crying. Seriously this is pathetic. I was looking at the Church News and there was an article about Education Week at BYU-Idaho. I saw a picture of the campus and I got watery eyes. What is the deal?! I'm leaking. I keep thinking this will end, but I don't think it will because BYU-Idaho is so special to me. Over the course of life each of us has many different homes. Some are temporary and once we leave they are no longer home. However, there are a few places that will be home long after we are gone and this is BYU-Idaho for me. It will always be home.


  1. Ok this made me cry. For months I would get on BYU-I's website just because I missed seeing it. I'd look at the news and watch the webcams just cuz. I did eventually find other things to occupy my thoughts and time, but like you, I will always have a tender spot in my heart for BYU-Idaho. :)
    By the way, you have great graduation pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Okay---we have so many things in common, but we are SO different with this!! I hated the first day of school. I hated buying books. I seriously considered skipping my graduation and I'm not even sure I know where my diploma is. I think the best part of college is that it's over!!

    I'm glad we can still be friends despite all this:)

  3. I'm with Sara - I was totally crying thinking of you missing your BYU-Idaho. I think I am right inbetween you & Sara...and Barbara. I was relieved and happy to graduate, but I do get tender memories thinking about my college time and the butterflies the first day of school (and first Sunday at church) brought. I'm so glad you loved your time at BYU-Idaho! Everyone with whom you associated was blessed to know you!

  4. I didn't cry. But what a sweet, nostalgic post. I am probably in between like Chrissy but it is so sweet to see your memories. It seems like it went so fast for you! And you did get really awesome graduation pictures. Yay. You will always have those special memories and your experiences there have definitely shaped who you've become!
