Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For Barbara

So I've started a blog. I realize that this is something most people do after they get married. I'm not, but I want one anyways. Mainly for three reasons:

1. Merry Christmas to Barbara. Barbara is one of my awesome cousins and she has been trying to get me to do a blog for years so I dedicate my blog to Barb because she inspired me, gets my sarcasm, and is probably the only one I'll tell about it for a while. I just hope mine can be 1/2 as awesome as hers.
2. I like to procrastinate homework and pretend like school isn't my whole life, so this will be a nice outlet.
3. On the wonderful 6 1/2 hour bus ride that should've been only 4 hours long I was deep in thought. I started thinking about my family. Seriously I have been so blessed. I wanted to tell everyone how cool my siblings are so the first thing I'm going to do on my blog is the "Sibling Series." Stay tuned...

A couple of warnings:
1. I'm not clever, don't expect my blog to look cute.
2. These posts may just be me rambling.
3. I'm sarcastic.
4. My grammer/spelling/ect. may be off. Just ignore it...please? Editing my posts would suck all the fun out of it.

Lastly I just want to say that I'm mad that I had to use rebeccadayton.blogspot it sounds a little too professional for this casual blog. I'm especially bummed because I'm the one that took beckydayton.blogspot for a class.


  1. Becky-I'm so excited about this! Seriously-I laughed out loud on the last line...you can't just continue the blog you already have?

    Either way-I'm very happy about this. Maybe you won't tell anyone else about this...but I fully intend to. Next time I write a blog post (probly about in a week since I just wrote one today) this blog will be mentioned.

  2. And I'm so flattered that the first post is dedicated to me. I mean really---you're too much.

  3. I tried to get into that blog but after 1/2 an hour of trying to figure out what my username and password was I gave up. Plus it was just too full of boring things, it would've taken a lot of deleting!

  4. Hey-you've changed the color and added cute pictures. Love it.

  5. Gina chicka wita girlfriend! Yea! One more blog to look at while I'm postponing dishes, laundry, etc. Seriously though, I'll be excited to see your posts and pictures. Fun fun!

  6. Barb is the single girl I always wanted to be, so if she says you're awesome, I believe it!

    Although, I'm not sure if I can handle sarcasm. My role models are boring people like Dick Cheney and Mario Lopez.

  7. anyone Barb recommends I have to come and snoop around at :) we bloggers are a crazy crew - glad to have you join in the fun :)

  8. Your cute cousin sent me over to check out your sweet blog. Watch the sarcasm though, we don't do that here! KIDDING! Welcome to blogland!

  9. I love Barb, she's one of my friends whom I've never met, so welcome to the blogging world! I got jumped in by Kristina P., but Barb was one of my first encouragers. I look forward to reading your stuff, you are welcome at mine anytime!

  10. Hey, do fun! And I love that you already used the best name, haha! BTW, we blessed your namesake yesterday. Miss and love you!

  11. I too am a Barb fan, so I look forward to your blog. Sarcasm! Bring it on!

  12. Ah welcome to blog land! I hope you enjoy it. I think you'll quickly come to find it's a fabulous place to play.

  13. I love Barb also! And you guys look so fun! Can't wait to read more!

  14. Blogging really is a nice outlet for procrastination. It's helpful for stalking tendencies as well. Cute blog!

  15. I've got nothing but mad, mad love for Barbaloot. Being related to her makes you pretty cool in my book.

    Welcome to blogland.
