Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Love the Hymns

I have so many things to say, and I've come to the conclusion that no matter how hard I try I can't tell you everything. So I've decided to share a journal entry. My thoughts were all over the place, but I still wanted to share it:

It is a beautiful Sabbath morning and I'm in the Garden of Gethsemane. I've come here once before, but I was on the outskirts and I didn't stay for long. We just spent the last half hour singing Hymns. Now as I try to think of words to express my feelings I can only hear others testimonies that have been written down in Hymns.

"Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord, I'll share they love again according to thy word."
I am so blessed to be here. I know that I'm only here because of the love others have shown to me. I'm here because of the love Jesus Christ proved when he suffered in this very garden thousands of years a go.

"Come cast your burdens on the Lord and trust his constant care."

How easy this is. Because of the Atonment I can truly cast any trial any heartache that comes my way on the Lord. He will take care of it. With his help I can be led home.

"To those who fall how kind thou art."
I am imperfect and I will always be imperfect. I've made so many mistakes and I know I'm not done making them. It's so comforting to know that even with my mistakes Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are ready to welcome me in with open arms. I'm so thankful for the gift of repentance, this gift of saving power.

"He shed a thousand drops for you. A thousand drops of precious blood." Sitting here and looking at the intricate details on the beautiful Olive Trees I can't help but feel extremely humbled to the point of almost feeling insignifact. I'm such a small part of all of this, but I know that my older brother Jesus Christ knows and loves me. He suffered here in this garden for me.

"He only could unlock the gate of Heav'n and let us in."
Christ was the only one perfect enough to redeem the world from sin. Christ is the only one who could provide an infinite Atonement. Heavenly Father sent His son for me. It is through this I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again.

"I believe in Christ, so come what may."
Life is hard, but I know it has to be. I know that with Christ nothing is impossible. I can bear any trial with Him at my side.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be here. At least once a day I'm hit with this overhwelming feeling of gratitude. I don't know why I've been so blessed to have this experience, but I'm trying everyday to get the most out of it.


  1. That's so great Becky---I totally understand what you mean in feeling your testimony through the hymns. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. What a neat post. I agree that it's nice to be able to sing/read someone else's words in a way that expresses how you feel. How awesome that you're able to spend time in such neat places.

  3. Becky you are so wonderful, thank you for this post, I appriciated it a lot. Also, please check the mail for like the next week and a half. Love ya!
