Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Tender Mercy

Ever since the first week here I've had this weird desire to see at least one person I knew from home. I didn't think this was likely, but I was wrong! In June we were having a 'Meet the Branch' activity. I thought one of the members looked a lot like a seminary teacher I had as a freshmen but then I figured there was no way. Well when she introduced herself she said, "...I taught seminary in Provo." Then I blurted out, "Oh my goodness, you were my seminary teacher." We didn't have time to talk because we made the connection right before we had to rotate to meet other members in a different room. So later while we were having refreshments she came up and gave me a big hug and said she remembered me and Marie. (Marie was in the class as well and we had so much fun.)

It has been so fun to come to church and see a familiar face from my past. It's always fun to catch up on each other's week, and she gives the greatest hugs! Plus we're slowly recalling memories from 6 years a go. Well today she taught the Relief Society lesson and I had serious deja vu. It was so great. Later we saw each other at the Garden of Gethsemane and we talked for a little while. Who'd have thought that I'd have the opportunity to discuss the Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane with my seminary teacher who taught me the New Testament? I have been so blessed.

"Each life that touches our for good reflects thine own great mercy, Lord; Thou sendest blessings from above thru words and deeds of those who love." (Hymn #293)


  1. Becky, that is one of my most favorite hymns. What a great experience. I'm glad you've had someone over there that is family.

  2. That is so random, but really cool! How fun to have that connection. I'm assuming you were a good student- it would probably be awkward to see her if you sat in the back and talked the whole time or were rude in her class. :)

  3. Hey Becky I just was thinking about you and I was thinkin hmmmmm time to comment. I love you a ton and I can't wait to see you. I hope you are having a wonderful day. You are so beautiful from the inside out. Thank you for your wonderful example. :) You make me smile
