Saturday, June 19, 2010

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Last week I went to Bethlehem. At first I was having a hard time picturing the modern city of Bethlehem thousands of years a go. Then we walked through the older part of the city and I could see Joseph leading the donkey with Mary on it walking through the crowded, narrow streets seeking for refuge.

We went to the Nativity cave and it was...different. The nativity cave now has a big shrine built around it. It doesn't look like a cave at all because it's all decorated with big, gaudy ornamentations. I touched the exact spot where Christ was born. It was neat but definitely interesting. Talk about the plain and precious things being taken away.

My favorite part of the day was when we went to a nearby cave where St. Jerome, a monk, lived and translated the Bible into Latin. This translation was kind of a parent to other translations of what is now the King James Version of the Bible. All of the students and teachers (80+ people) crammed into this little cave and we sang Christmas carols. Because this cave isn't as 'famous' as the nativity cave it hadn't been all decorated. It was just a simple cave and so it was very easy to picture the humble nativity scene there. I'm so grateful for that night so long ago. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father would send his son Jesus Christ and I'm grateful Jesus Christ came to redeem and save us all.

When we were singing I thought a lot about all of the angels rejoicing and singing praises. I don't know exactly where I was this sacred night but I like to think I was looking down on that beautiful scene smiling and singing.


  1. This is totally inappropriate considering your beautiful post, but the only thing I can think of is "Revenge at Bethlehem!"

  2. Barbara the quote "They didn't have any child welfare in Bethelehm" was running through my head all day. So no worries.

  3. That sounds really neat. I can't wait to see pictures. :) It was fun talking to you yesterday!
